Kotlin test runner does not display test errors in Online editor

When you run tests in the Kotlin track via the Online editor, if one or more test fails, the errors are not displayed. For example, if I go to the Knapsack exercise and enter the following code:

data class Item(val weight: Int, val value: Int)

fun knapsack(maximumWeight: Int, items: List<Item>): Int = 0

and run the tests, this is what appears:


However, if I use invalid code:

data class Item(val weight: Int, val value: Int)

fun knapsack(maximumWeight: Int, items: List<Item>, this won't work): Int = 0

then I see the compile errors as expected:

So it only seems to affect the test results.

(This has actually been reported to me by a mentee not too long ago, I validated it via the website.)

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(cc @ErikSchierboom :slight_smile:)

Fixed in Output version number by ErikSchierboom · Pull Request #53 · exercism/kotlin-test-runner · GitHub.

Will be live once Output version number (#53) · exercism/kotlin-test-runner@7f41e36 · GitHub is done