Missing test case for ability with lowest number occurring twice in DnD Character

(coming from PR dnd-character: Add test case for ability with lowest number occurring twice by kahgoh · Pull Request #2792 · exercism/java · GitHub)

During a mentoring session for the DnD Character exercise on the Java track, I noticed a passed all the tests for the ability method but wouldn’t meet the example below from the instructions. I wonder if it would be worth adding a test for it?

3, 5, 3, 4: You discard the 3 and sum 5 + 3 + 4 = 12, which you assign to wisdom.

The solution’s implementation looked like this:

int ability(List<Integer> scores) {
    if (allScoresAreTheSame(scores)) {
        return 3 * scores.get(0);

    int smallestScore = Collections.min(scores);

    return scores
        .filter((score) -> smallestScore != score)
        .reduce(0, (total, score) -> total + score);

I notice the existing ability tests aren’t in the problem specifications. Perhaps they could be Java specific?

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Great idea.