[mobile] Being mentored feel unusable

Hi all!

While I always code in Exercism from my deskotp PC, sometimes I want to reply in mentoring sessions from my phone (Android using Firefox if that matters).

Sessions where I am the mentor work great: there are two tabs I can switch between (“Code” and “Discussion”). The messages display perfectly in portrait (not in landscape, but I can’t think of a better layout than currently anyway if we want to allow writing in landscape).

However, sessions in which I am the student are unusable. There are no tabs, and I can only see like half the editor (not the rest, and no messages). I need to switch to Desktop mode to catch a glimpse of the messages, and the only way I can read them is selecting all text in the website via the browser’s contextual menu, and paste it in a different app, as most of it is not displayed on the screen.

I think using an identical layout to “Mentoring sessions” would solve this problem.


PS: I have not added any screenshots because I didn’t know if the people involved in the mentoring sessions would have minded, but I’d gladly ask for permission and upload screenshots if that’s useful.