My 1st Pyton Exercise Hello World

not sure how to fix this error.

We received the following error when we ran your code:


MISSING FUNCTION --> In your '' file, we can not find or import the function named 'hello()'. 
The tests for this first exercise expect a function that returns the string "Hello, World!"

Did you use print("Hello, World!") instead?
  1. Can you share your code (using a codeblock, not a screenshot)? We can’t help with code which we cannot see.
  2. Do you understand what this is saying? In your '' file, we can not find or import the function named 'hello()'.
  3. Did you use print("Hello, World!") instead?

Can you share your code (using a codeblock, not a screenshot)?

I apologize for my lack of knowledge. This is my 1st attempt. I am not sure how to use codeblock

  1. This post shows how to format code.
  2. Do you understand what this is saying? In your '' file, we can not find or import the function named 'hello()'.
  3. Did you use print("Hello, World!") instead?