I’m a maintainer on a new language track for the Cairo language, and to make sure the track is created up to standard, we need other maintainers to test it out.
Your help would be greatly appreciated, as without it the track will have a hard time being launched.
Feel free to ping me if there’s anything I can do to help.
These two exercises have their slug as the name instead of the canonical name. You probably want to update them so they have the name instead of the slug
In Hello World, // felt252, a.k.a. "field type", represents a specific type of integer, which can be represented as a string that's limited to 31 characters might be too much information up front. The Hello World exercise introduces the student to the Exercism platform so the complexity is greatly reduced. Swap out the string and you’re done.
In Lucians Lasagna, there’s a missing apostrophe in Lucian’s.
On a few exercises I checked, the panic statement uses exercise-specific string interpolation like true if {num} is an armstrong number. If the function isn’t implemented but the test is expecting a number to be an Armstrong number, that message could be confusing. On other tracks, I’ve seen more generic messages like please implement X function since that makes it clear what needs to be done to resolve the problem.
Does the Scarb.toml need to be made available in the editor? Students can edit it currently, and that can cause issues. I’m not sure what all goes in that file, but students may try to add content that shouldn’t be there, breaking the test run.
You do. Test runners run without internet. If you want to allow certain 3rd party libraries, you have to bake them in in advance. The Rust test runner does this (and others do too).