Having trouble to test in editor for .Net. (VB and C#)
Even Hello World is responding timeout.
Hey @rlsmota - thanks for your post. If you could give a little more information as to what you’ve tried, what happened etc that would be great
If you can give some more detail then I’m sure someone can help you out further.
I have some exercises in VB.NET that I cannot submit because the tests are always failing.
Since all of them are giving me errors, and I tested and passed locally in VS, I tried to to test already submitted and passed tests, for example “Hello world”.
So, the scenario is simple. I go to my “Hello World” exercise and press the test button.
The response is always timeout.
@jonathanmiddleton I can reproduce, as can you I suspect. This does look like an infrastructure problem.
- C# works (but took seconds)
- VB still times out
- F# works (but took many seconds)
@MatthijsBlom Thank you.
@rlsmota Can you confirm if this is actually happening in C# or just VB pls?
It is working in C#.
Only in VB.
This should be fixed now!
Aparently it is.
Is this broken again? With the Jurassic July I was going to do Visual Basic and I’m having this same problem. I go to the Exercism editor for the Hello World exercise and it just times out. Even if I leave the code how it came to see if I’d get an error I don’t it just times out.
It’s not necessarily broken, it’s just slow. I’ll see if I can do anything about that.
Merge dotnet restore and dotnet test commands by ErikSchierboom · Pull Request #34 · exercism/vbnet-test-runner · GitHub should at least improve things slightly
Sounds good. I’ll keep trying. Thanks for your help.