Old requests timeouts?

Hi, I remember in previous forum/Slack there was a discussion what to do about old mentoring requests.
Currently I took my first in life mentoring request which was already 3months old. I made small comment there and now Iā€™m waiting for a mentee.
I suppose it will take them much time as well as they could have already lost hope to get mentoring :slight_smile:
So how much time should I give the mentee in return before I close the request if unanswered?

Sessions without activity should auto-close after 30 days.

Thanks for trying out mentoring :slight_smile:

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I even did a second mentoring, this time for the first timer.
They was happy of the answer and ended discussion before I have seen the second iteration, their public profile is unreachable when I was trying to check if they published the solution.

You can always check published exercises by username. Just visit any other published solution then swap the username in the profile. It is a bit frustrating when users end discussions without actually interacting with the code review, but it does happen from time to time.

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I checked. It seems Iteration 1 was only published or I suppose there was no Iteration 2 at all. Thanks for the tip on how to check it.

Note additional iterations still show up in the discussion even after the discussion is ended

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