Pharo Clock Tests Not Working

In the Clock exercise of the Pharo track, all of the clock comparison tests (37 through 52) don’t seem to be working correctly (not incorrectly written as I originally claimed). For example, the issue I’m getting for test 37, which for reference is written as

	clock1 := Clock hour: 15 minute: 37.
	clock2 := Clock hour: 15 minute: 37.
	self assert: clock1 equals: clock2

is an Exception reading Got a Clock instead of a Clock. This doesn’t make much sense to me, as I wrote the following code in a playground:

| clock1 clock2 |
clock1 := Clock hour: 15 minute: 37.
clock2 := Clock hour: 15 minute: 37.
clock1 equals: clock2

which results in true. I don’t understand what’s going on here. The issue is occurring on Exercism’s servers too, as I submitted the exercise and failed the same exercises.