How do mentors feel about an emoji-like option to react to new iterations?
I feel it would encourage participation!
How do mentors feel about an emoji-like option to react to new iterations?
I feel it would encourage participation!
Usually I respond to iterations with comments and a discussion about the changes. Sometimes I add emojis in my responses. Would the reaction be instead of a written response? In addition to a written response?
In addition ! Maybe down the timeline thing in the middle of the page ? That’s where I reached for it (suggestibility).
I like this
I often end a session with “How do you feel about your progress through the iterations?”, to get the student to reflect a bit on what they learned. When they respond I often don’t need to add a comment, but a reaction would be nice to let them know that I have acknowledged their comment.
I’m not sure I understand the idea.
Currently the student submits an iteration, asks for a review, I comment (point out issues, make suggestions, reply to their questions), they submit another iteration, I comment again, etc. until they are satisfied with their solution.
How would that work with emojis? Would I post them instead of a comment? Or are they a grade in disguise ( being A+,
being a solid A,
being an improvement)?
Do you mind explaining how you (as a mentor) would use them or how it would encourage participation?
Personally, I would think it would work like reactions here or on discord, where I can react to your post. It would not replace full posts – unless my entire post can be equally expressed with a single emoji.
No – I’d just like it in addition. When a student has made a concerted effort, it just facilitates dialogue about progress. It would be just like a gold star sticker you may have received on schoolwork.
It can provide a soupçon of emotional encouragement beyond words as it can be difficult for a student to sense their progress but naturally the main means for discussion remains in the comments.
I’m imagining that the Discussion Timeline gets an option/icon to react to a new iteration like we have on GitHub or these posts themselves.
(Aside: maybe the timeline thingy on the forum could be added too.)