Is this a language that comes in many variants? If so, which variant should we support?
Many variants.
We’ll use GNU Sed for the track. Maybe with --posix for compatibility (open to discussion).
Does the language have an official logo?
Does the language have an unofficial logo?
Is there a testing framework available for the language?
We can use bats from the tracks like bash, awk, jq.
Is this language listed as ‘supported’ by Highlightjs?
If it is not supported by Highlightjs, what is the closest supported language it maps to?
Who will be leading the effort to launch the track? @jimmytty
I notice the wikipedia page for sed points to Turing tarpit.
Although I personally only ever use sed for the s and d commands (awk for anything more complicated) , I’m happy to have a new track to fill out the “sysadmin toolset” corner of Exercism.
I think a sed track could be fun and interesting. If some exercises are excessively hard or just don’t fit, it’s fine not to include them in the track (a track does not have to implement all exercises). So if the sed track just focuses on string-based exercises, that’s fine (as we have a ton of them). The demo exercises at GitHub - jimmytty/sed-track-demos were really helpful BTW! Thanks @jimmytty