Review non-exercism project?

Hi everyone,

After completing a bit more than half of the Rust track on exercism, I felt like trying my hand at a larger project, so I did the codecrafters git challenge in Rust.

I’ve watched Jon Gjengset’s sceencast about this challenge and learned a lot from it.

I feel like I could learn even more by getting feedback from an experienced Rust developer, so I thought perhaps one of the nice people who mentor the Rust track here might feel like taking a look and telling me if some things are not idiomatic, not readable, or could be simplified using a feature from the language or stdlib that I missed.

(I’ve asked on the Rust forum but with little success so I thought I might try here.)

Anyway, my code’s here: GitHub - mpg/codecrafters-git-rust: My work on codecrafter's git challenge, in Rust

Thanks in advance!