Good morning!
The instructions of Saddle points exercise in Python track has problems.
The sample grid is not showing correctly, as seen in the screenshot below:
Good morning!
The instructions of Saddle points exercise in Python track has problems.
The sample grid is not showing correctly, as seen in the screenshot below:
Good morning!
Thank you for reporting the issue. It has been fixed in the problem-specifications repository by PR 2275.
Now the maintainers of the Python track have to update the I’m sure they will do that soon, but I’ve heard they have lots of work to do (right, @BethanyG ?)
Thanks siebenschlaefer!
Yup. Things have been busy. :
This exercise had a some back-and-forth in problem specs, and so got left out of the exercise update sweep I did last month. I’ll do another sweep this weekend.
With any luck, things will be up-to-date early next week.