Hi, I’m new to Exercism and I want to work locally.
I’m using Arch linux and have already installed exercism, luarocks and busted. All is working great and I have done the hello-world exercise
But I’m getting this error when I try to submit my file: Error: You do not have permission to view this solution
It could be a linux permission for exercism? I don’t know
Any help would be appreciated
This is how my terminal looks like if I input the token again and try to submit. I’ve replaced my token ofc
exercism configure --token=xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx
You have configured the Exercism command-line client:
Config dir: /home/drxm/.config/exercism
Token: (-t, --token) xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx
Workspace: (-w, --workspace) /home/drxm/dev/exercism
API Base URL: (-a, --api) https://api.exercism.io/v1
➜ ~ cd dev/exercism/lua/hello-world
➜ hello-world exercism submit hello-world.lua
Error: You do not have permission to view this solution
I can also do exercism version and get the version without issues.