[SOLVED] Permission error to submit (linux)

Hi, I’m new to Exercism and I want to work locally.

I’m using Arch linux and have already installed exercism, luarocks and busted. All is working great and I have done the hello-world exercise
But I’m getting this error when I try to submit my file:
Error: You do not have permission to view this solution
It could be a linux permission for exercism? I don’t know
Any help would be appreciated

Did you configure the token?


Yes I did, busted also works as expected. Only issue is when I try to submit

This is how my terminal looks like if I input the token again and try to submit. I’ve replaced my token ofc

exercism configure --token=xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx

You have configured the Exercism command-line client:

Config dir:                       /home/drxm/.config/exercism
Token:         (-t, --token)      xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxx
Workspace:     (-w, --workspace)  /home/drxm/dev/exercism
API Base URL:  (-a, --api)        https://api.exercism.io/v1

➜  ~ cd dev/exercism/lua/hello-world
➜  hello-world exercism submit hello-world.lua

Error: You do not have permission to view this solution

I can also do exercism version and get the version without issues.

What if you do exercism submit with no arguments?

Something you can try is to reset the exercise on the website, download it again and submit again.

I didn’t think about that and it worked!
I wonder what the issue was as I didn’t download the exercise as root or another user.

Thanks! :nerd_face:

You’re very welcome. I haven’t a clue what the issue was.