Spellcheck PR request

Hi @BethanyG, I raised Fix: Various spellchecks by astyanax · Pull Request #3802 · exercism/python · GitHub with various spellcheck changes.

I manually edited the files, and read them in case I could notice anything else by hand. The editor auto-formatted trailing spaces, which I couldn’t resist including in the commit :slight_smile:

Would you mind reviewing and approving/merging if found acceptable?

I may raise a few more PRs for other projects, should I include them in this thread and tag the respective maintainers, instead of raising a new topic for each? It feels less spammy this way.

@tomasnorre The PHP spellchecks: Fix: Various spellchecks by astyanax · Pull Request #835 · exercism/php · GitHub

@glennj A small one for TCL: Fix: Small typos, added Learning reference to TCL 9.0 and TclTutor by astyanax · Pull Request #366 · exercism/tcl · GitHub

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If we restrict the spellcheck edits to public-facing and track-specific docs (i.e. not the ones coming from the problem-specifications repo), I don’t see a problem in making PRs for Arturo, CFML, CoffeeScript, D, Emacs Lisp, LFE, Pyret, Racket, Red, or Vim script. There’s no need to create a separate forum thread for those. Just include the URL for this post in the PR in case I forget.

If you’re still doing Hacktoberfest, I can slap the label on one or two of the PRs to help you out.

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Thanks a lot! I’ll take a look at those, in case there’s anything to fix :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if they’ll qualify, but I wouldn’t mind the hacktoberfest label in case they do! I’ll raise the PRs regardless though, it’s an opportunity to check the open issues for anything that I may be able to handle.

@astyanax – Sorry, I can’t accept that PR. The trailing whitespace was purposeful. It is needed for proper formatting. Please remove those corrections. I will scan for the other spelling errors, but in general I would prefer that you do NOT submit multiple exercises/files when doing spelling or other corrections. It makes things very hard to review. 41 files is way too many.

And nothing in the refrence folder (which is not public facing) should be gone thorough. Thanks.

Noted (whitespace + reference)! I will try to split this a bit during the weekend and focus on the important ones.

I’m having a bit of trouble updating the upstream PR (I can only checkout and push changes to my fork), I’m not sure if that’s due to the auto-closing PRs or if I’m missing something.

I’d start over. That PR touches way too many things. And technically, we are not accepting PRs for the track right now.

If you insist, I’d focus on one active concept or concept exercise at a time.

We specifically ask on the Python track that you do NOT run a wholesale spellcheck on whole folders or docs like ABOUT or CONTRIBUTING, exercise design docs, code examples, example.py files, test files, or benchmarking.py files. Thanks.

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Thanks for your PRs

As mentioned in the PR on the PHP repository. I would be helpful to create it against GitHub - exercism/problem-specifications: Shared metadata for exercism exercises. so that all tracks profit from it, and not needs to be done in a manual PR for each track repository.

I took a look at his PRs and I don’t think your advice is applicable here.

Because the typos he fixed mostly exist inside exercises’ approaches, concepts exercise and other internal docs - all the stuffs that only related to each specific track repo and not the overall problem spec repo.

That’s why the php PR only touched 8 files but the python one did 41 :sweat_smile: .

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When you remove the undesirable whitespace meddling, Python had 10-15 files to change - not 41.

@astyanax – since I was in there and up-to-date, I did 5 of the corrections, and left 5 for you:

  • bitwise operators line 120
  • Bob approaches. “determing”
  • nth prime approaches generator-fun “evalutes”, “cleant”
  • roman-numerals approaches “addtion”, “everthing”
  • concept boolean values “bopl”



To my knowledge the markdown files comes from the problem specifications, and get sync in with the configlet, that’s why i made the suggestion.

But i could of course be wrong.

That’s true only if we’re talking about practice exercises. But the PR only touches concepts, which are track-specific and not synced with anything.

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I went ahead and made these last changes, just so we don’t forget them. :slightly_smiling_face:

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