I downloaded the Stack Underflow with “exercism download --track=elixir --exercise=stack-underflow” which places the code in the appropriate directory of stack-overflow but the lib directory contains a rpn_calculator directory. Inside that directory is the full project for rpn-calculator. I’ve downloaded it a couple of times. Does anyone else have the same issue? I checked for symlinks too.
Hello. Have you read the instructions to the exercise?
Yes, I used exercism download --track=elixir --exercise=stack-underflow
That’s weird, there’s no solution in this directory
Yeah, but have you read the actual instructions of the exercise?
Could you please share the code that you’re getting downloaded.
It’s exactly what is on github elixir/exercises/concept/stack-underflow at main · exercism/elixir · GitHub but I can zip it up and send it to you or any other format you choose.
This is working as intended.
Truly, have you read the instructions for what you’re supposed to do? (Hint, it’s augmenting the given code).
You are correct. My bad. I had just finished the RPN Calculator so it seemed weird that I was seeing the same code and I jumped to a conclusion. I get it…RTFM
Elixir maintainer here You will find that a few of the Elixir exercises have a mismatch between the exercise name and the main module name. This is not a mistake, it’s done purely so that the module name fits the theme of the exercise better. For example, in the exercise “City Office” you’ll find that the main module in named “Form”. Additionally, there are multiple exercises where the theme of the exercise is about RPN calculators. There are also exercises where the main module is nested in an extra directly, like
in “Stack Overflow” and lib/rpn_calculator/output.ex
in “RPN Calculator Output”. It’s all meant like that.
Thanks @angelikatyborska , when the others said to read the directions I thought they were referring to how you download it. I never had a problem but now it makes total sense as to what “directions” they were referring to. Thanks for the heads up on other exercises!