Testing in emacs + slime

Hey there,

I’ve notice that when writing the solutions iteratively I have to (load “the file”) into slime/sbcl with every change. If not :run-tests will produce previous results.

What I would like for emacs/slime is to use the freshly saved changed file each time the tests are run. I am fairly new to emacs. So I may very well miss something obvious.

A typical flow would be to edit the code and evaluate the parts you changed (instead of loading the entire file each time). For example C-M-x to evaluate the current define.

Here is a likely useful section of the SLIME manual: Evaluation (SLIME User Manual, version 2.24)

I see,
But then you would write and test everything by hand instead of the test suite provided by exercism.
In practice this is what I do and run the suite only after several changes, but I did find some tests that broke during the changes. So I wanted to run them after each change…

I typically run the test suite in the REPL. So I write some code, evaluate it, run the tests and repeat that loop.

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