Testing on the Python track (Broken Link)

On this page - Testing on the Python track, the tutorial from pycqa.org link is broken.

Pylint configuration can be a bit much, so this tutorial from pycqa.org can be helpful for getting started, as can this …

When I click on the current link, it lands on a 404.

This appears to be the current link for the pylint tutorial - Tutorial - Pylint 3.2.6 documentation

This is an easy fix and I was tempted to just open a PR. Worth noting - between Github, the Exercism website, and a blog post or two, there was some mixed messaging on whether to open an issue in Github, create a topic here, or just open a PR on Github

HI @kellyky :wave:

Welcome to Exercism!

Thanks for finding that dead link. :smile: Our current process for small fixes is to either:

  1. Open a PR in GitHub (it will be closed automatically), and then open a forum topic with a link to the GH issue. A maintainer can then re-open the GH issue and review/comment/merge as needed.

  2. Open a topic here in the forum, then open a PR after approval/discussion. The PR will still auto-close, but will be reopened by a maintainer and reviewed/commented/merged. This is usually the recommended route for anything that’s not an obvious small correction or typo.

I’d happily accept a PR to swap out the dead link. Buuut - there is a twist. Our tooling is using Pylint 2.17.7, not Pylint 3.2.6, so for now we need to point to the Pylint 2.17.7 Tutorial, and/or add some text about the online tooling version vs the latest PyLint version.

We’re in the process of doing a series of upgrades to tooling in prep for also upgrading to Python 3.12, but all of that is still pending. We’ll be switching to the most recent version of Pylint as part of those upgrades.

LMK if you have any additional questions or issues with the PR or other things. :smile:

Awesome - thanks for clarifying, Bethany!

I’ll get a PR up tonight or tomorrow linking to the tutorial for Pylint 2.17.7

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All set - though I initially overlooked the auto-close feature :laughing::woman_facepalming:, ope.


Yeah. It’s a tad aggressive. :sweat_smile:

The PR’s been reopened, reviewed and merged! :smile: Thanks for submitting it.

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