The C++ Syllabus is live

C++ is a featured language in Jurassic July for 12in23. To ease your journey into the language, learning mode has been added to the track.

We’ll be adding more concepts and tweaking things a bit along the way. If you find anything that can be improved, please don’t hesitate to post here in the forums or on Discord.

We are super excited. Have fun with C++ in July!



Excited to see this! I was planning on completing exercises in C for Jurassic July will probably give C++ a go now!

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Welcome to the track, I hope you can enjoy it a bit more now :)

Amazing. Thanks so much for all your work on this!! :blue_heart:

I did it only for the badges. :disguised_face:

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Let me know if there are any manual ones you’re now owed. If not, we should make one! :slight_smile:

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It was great! Nice hand-holding all the way.


Great to hear. Quick work to go through the track! I am glad you liked it. :slight_smile:

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He certainly needs one for best names in an exercise. I mean, for Ellens Alien Game alone. :laughing: :alien: :space_invader:

But the wizard names are pretty special, too.

Thank you for all the hard work!
Wish I have waited a bit if I’ve known this was coming, already 2/3 in for all the exercises, hah. Still will go over the syllabus again for the things I missed. I had a really hard time trying to get into C but C++ has been fun so far.

@vaeng I’m having a small problem in the exercise for the loop concept.
The “Interest_is_interesting” exercise with the yearly_interest function
This is my implementation:

 double yearly_interest(double balance) {
     return balance / 100 * interest_rate(balance);
Test 17 Interest on large balance
### Test Failure

FAILED: REQUIRE( yearly_interest(balance) == want ) with expansion: 856.3698 == 856.3698 at /tmp/interest-is-interesting/interest_is_interesting_test.cpp:106

Maybe something to do with how double check for equality?

Interestingly, i changed my function to the other way to calculate

double yearly_interest(double balance) {
     return interest_rate(balance) / 100 * balance ;

and this time the 16th test also failed along with the previous failure:

Test 16: Interest on medium balance
  REQUIRE( yearly_interest(balance) == want )
with expansion:
  81.0498379 == 81.0498379
at /tmp/interest-is-interesting/interest_is_interesting_test.cpp:101

You caught something good, I will change the test to allow for rounding errors along the way. The way it’s written it only accepts the solutions in the way that I wrote the example. That is bad design and you are right to remark on that :+1:

I corrected the tests. Can you update your exercise and tell me if this is also fixed on your side? @glaxxie

@vaeng It worked perfectly now. Thank you!

You can’t imagine how excited I am to see this. Thank you!

Fantastic work! Kudos to all involved

I hope you’ll have fun with the syllabus. It will be extended bit by bit!

It is still not finished, but I think there would be no working version for the July 12in23 if it weren’t for all the feedback by people like @BethanyG, @siebenschlaefer, @glennj, @Meatball, @clechasseur, @MatthijsBlom, @b8horpet (and anyone I might have missed).


I am working my way through the syllabus and must say that is excellent! I’m quite impressed by how fun the namespaces exercise was!

So far, the only exercise that might need some tweaking/rewriting is the making-the-grades exercise. I’ve created some issues for it: Issues · exercism/cpp · GitHub (and also for any other issues I found)

Thanks for the extensive input! I will be on vacation next week. I hope nothing made it into the track that hinders someone’s progression.
Afterwards I will go fix things and add more exercises and concepts :slight_smile: