The implemetation site marks eluids eggs as unimplimented

The implemetation site marks eluids eggs as unimplimented for all tracks:

Seems to have been resolved!

For W26 it looks like there are only two langs for the challenge.

Early on, it was going to be Go, PureScript, and Visual Basic. @iHiD, did Visual Basic get unfeatured for this week?

It’s not the only week short of three choices, it’s just the earliest week that it happens.

Looks like Erik just got the slug wrong: website/app/commands/user/challenges/featured_exercises_progress_48_in_24.rb at main · exercism/website · GitHub

(cc @ErikSchierboom)

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Yeah, that makes sense. We went from calling it VB.NET last year to Visual Basic since that’s what Microsoft has also been calling it for a long time now. Therefore, the vbnet slug isn’t as obvious from the track name.

I’ve checked all track names and Fix invalid track names for 48in24 by ErikSchierboom · Pull Request #6801 · exercism/website · GitHub will fix any invalid ones.