The term 'excercism' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

I have 2 issues:
I’ve followed the instructions for working locally as per: Working Locally | Exercism's Docs
The ‘exercism’ command runs fine in the terminal. However, when I try to execute:
exercism submit ut_hello_world#.plsql I get the errors below:
The term ‘excercism’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try
again. At line:1 char:1 + excercism submit .\ut_hello_world#.plsql

  1. Execute the tests by calling the run method in the respective ut_<exercise># package,
    where <exercise> is replaced with the exercise name.

I’ve tried calling the ‘run’ method in the terminal (using VS Code) - or is there somewhere else I should be calling this run?

For your first issue, by the error that you have pasted here, it seems that you have a typo:

“excercism” → “exercism”

Could it be the issue or is the typo only in this forum post?

ah yes, indeed a typo. So that fixes issue 1.

However, no clue how to run tests - even with this simple solution.
Also, I’ve tried to access mentoring to walkthrough the sql submitted solution but nothing is available to select.

The clue you do have is in the delivered file, if you have downloaded the hello world exercise.

@kotp yes, have read that…
Execute the tests by calling the run method in the respective ut_<exercise># package, where <exercise> is replaced with the exercise name.

So where exactly do I run this? In command line?

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Further in the HELP file says that Testing on the PL/SQL track | Exercism's Docs is available, and that documentation states that the way to run the test is to be connected to the mounted Oracle DB.

Cool, thanks :-)