I’m a rookie who completed their first Hello World exercise a couple of days ago using the CLI tool.
This is just feedback - not a request for help and it is a trivially minor issue.
Although I was able to install the CLI successfully the process was slightly rougher than it needed to be. This is the path I followed: I used the cli-walkthrough and chose Windows with the automated installer. The next step sent me to the GitHub release page which says to run “exercism configure” after installing, which I did. But without a token that failed with an error message pointing to " https://exercism.io/my/settings". That page didn’t have the token but from there it was easy to find the correct address “https://exercism.org/settings/api_cli”. Once configuration was finished I went back to the site and after clicking ‘Yes’ I got the up to date configuration instructions I should have used in the first place.
Here are few random ideas that might have made things even easier.
- The initial walk-through page linking to GitHub might say “Use the link below to download … and verify you can run ‘exercism version’”. This might reduce premature attempts to configure.
- Perhaps if the Yes button were labelled “Next” or “Next - Configure” and if it were to the right of the “No” button I might have realised it was the next step of the walk-through. I thought it was just site feedback along the lines of “Was the page useful?”
- The installer release page on GitHub could link back to the current walk-through instructions on the site.
- The exercism cli error could point to the current token url “…/settings/api_cli” instead of “…/my/settings”.
On the other hand the it might just be me