TypeScript Why This Corepack Crap?

What is the deal with “corepack”? It requires me using very narrow specific node versions, and just overcomplicates things for no reason.

Plus, it makes it very difficult to run tests in watch mode… :-1:

Ah yes. The classic decision of the Exercism team to make other people’s lives harder for no reason. It’s one of our favourite things to do. And because we’re all terrible at coding we can’t find better or alternative ways. it’s a shame really.

In future, word your questions more respectfully and someone might reply helpfully.

Or search the forum for where this has been asked and answered before and gain the knowledge that way :person_shrugging:

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It was built that way because the hard working volunteers that spent their time to give you free content decided this was, in their opinions at the time, the best way to build out the track :slight_smile: