Unexpected Results Running the Tests for Kindergarten Garden

I am getting different results when running the code on my computer and running it in the Exercism editor. On my pc, I get the correct output, in the editor, I get more plants than the code should output. Here is the relevant PowerShell code.

    [string[]]GetPlants ([string]$student) {
        $studentIndex = [Array]::IndexOf($this.students, $student)
        $startIndex = $studentIndex * 2
        for ($i = $startIndex; $i -lt $startIndex + 2; $i++) {
            $temp = $this.plants[0][$i]
            $plant = $this.plantNames[$("$temp")]
            $this.studentPlants += $plant
        for ($i = $startIndex; $i -lt $startIndex + 2; $i++) {
            $temp = $this.plants[1][$i]
            $plant = $this.plantNames[$("$temp")]
            $this.studentPlants += $plant
        return $this.studentPlants

This is the error I get .

Message: Expected exactly @(‘Clover’, ‘Grass’, ‘Clover’, ‘Clover’), but got @(‘Violets’, ‘Radishes’, ‘Violets’, ‘Radishes’, ‘Clover’, ‘Grass’, ‘Clover’, ‘Clover’).

Thanks for any feedback,


Should studentPlants be an instance variable?
If you think “yes”, then you should clear it before you append to it in this method.
(What happens when you run the method twice?)

That was the issue, thanks for your help!