Unison Test Runner fails

An Error Occurs when trying to run tests for Hello World in the Unison track. This happens when the exercise start has not been modified at all. It seems like a problem with the test loader itself…

I posted this on Discord, but was directed to the Forum. Now that I am here I see the topic Unison version upgrade so maybe this is a known issue.

I’m able to replicate the issue on Hello World, but I don’t have this issue on Darts.

Interesting, thanks for that insight.
I marked the failing Hello World as complete in order to get access to the other exercises. I’ll try a few more and see how it goes.


Try to rerun test or edit your solution (add new line, for example) and rerun after the edits. It fixes issue in some cases.

That doesn’t seem to have any impact. I tried these steps:

  1. Revert to exercise start, then Run Tests → An error occurred
  2. Add new line, then Run Tests → An error occurred
  3. Replace text with “Hello, World!”, then Run Tests → An error occurred

All three cases gave the same error output:

1 | .> load ./hello.u
  |      ^
expecting ":error", ":hide", ":hide:all", comment (delimited with “--”), end of input, or spaces

Additional note: This issue does seem to be specific to the Hello World exercise.

I was able to solve the Leap exercise both locally on my machine and also in the online editor.

Hmm… It’s weird. I reverted “Hello World” and solved it again without any errors. Could you clean cache in browser (especially the data from the local storage)?