However, the instructions indicate concurrency is expected though because it references avoiding race conditions.
The way I see it is we either should update the instructions to remove references to concurrency and race conditions or remove the comment about skipping concurrency in the canonical test data.
In the former, tracks may want to add an append if concurrency is expected.
In the latter, tracks without concurrency may want to forego the exercise.
Moving the concurrency stuff to an append and adding that to the tracks that use it seems reasonable to me. I’m not sure if there’s any way to shove a common/shared append blurb in the problem spec repo.
In my view, the best option would be to decide whether this exercise is truly about concurrency. I don’t see why it should be optional. This isn’t just an extra test that doesn’t affect the exercise — it completely changes how the exercise is approached, right? Wasn’t this one of the featured exercises on concurrency in the 2023 concept challenges?
So, the best course of action, i believe, would be to remove the optional aspect from the specs, and make concurrency mandatory. Without concurrency, the exercise becomes trivial.
Edit: Also, tracks that have implemented this exercise most likely included concurrency as well. If we go with the append approach, every one of those tracks would need an append file.