Update chess_game.rb

The method ‘nick_name’ is not consistent with the instructions’ version (nickname), and since ‘nickname’ is a whole word, it makes sense without the underscore.

The code stub contains,

  def self.nick_name(first_name, last_name)
    raise "Please implement the Chess.nick_name method"

Thanks for reporting.

I think in this case we should probably change the stub and tests to match the instructions. nickname is one word as you say, and it’s only been solved by 1.8K people, so I’m ok with invalidating those.

Anyone have contrasting opinions?

Is there a move in chess where you steal your opponent’s name (nick name)?


I have reopened the pull request. Let’s get this in!

Unset the draft when you are ready, and I or someone else will approve and bring it in.

My other reply was more in reply to you, than Isaac. Showing code can be nice, and I gravitated there for that reason, rather than where I should have responded.

This has already been updated on the crystal version(for quite a while ago) seems like I forgot to update the Ruby version

I doubt it was really creating problems, so no urgency there. But a space or not a space really can change the meaning .