Update loops links.json

The links section refers to sources about Floats. This can be updated with more suitable sources.



What sources would you suggest to link to?

For readability purposes, the “github” link points to links.json and has this content:

Click here to see Json at the time of this message
    "url": "https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.7.0/Float.html",
    "description": "Float"
    "url": "https://0.30000000000000004.com/",
    "description": "0.30000000000000004.com"
    "url": "https://evanw.github.io/float-toy/",
    "description": "evanw.github.io-float-toy"

How would you characterize the current sources as “unsuitable”?

I can’t speak to what the OP feels, but it seems like those are placeholder links since the same ones show up in the floating point numbers concept. If so, we should replace them with relevant links.

Loops in Ruby - performing repeated operations on a data set seems helpful.

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The current links are not suitable because they are not about loops. In addition to the aforementioned article “Loops in Ruby”, I think this one seems also helpful: ruby guides

Looks good, are you up for creating a patch? While it will auto-close, I will open it again, just link here where it is, and helpfully link there to here as well, so those curious will get the full story.

I see that the patch is at Update links for loops by oezg · Pull Request #1718 · exercism/ruby · GitHub

Thank you! I have reopened it.

Merged, thank you!

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