What if i already solved (as in last year) a #48in24 exercise?

Hi friends of the code.
This question has probably surfaced before but i want to know the following:
Last year i already submited the javascript string reverse exercism.
Do not i get a medal automatically for this challenge in 48in24?
I know i’m being lazy but i think i deserve the medal :smiley:
I’m gonna tackle the challenge in another language but wanted to ask anyway.

Hello :slightly_smiling_face:

The information on this is at the top-right of the challenge page but I’ll reproduce here for clarity.

  • Bronze: Solve the exercise during 2024.
  • Silver: Solve the exercise in any three languages during 2024.
  • Gold: Qualify for silver status. Plus have solved the exercise in the three featured languages at some point (not necessarily in 2024).

Does that answer your question? :slight_smile:

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Yes sire it does!

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Great :slight_smile: Enjoy the challenge :grin:

It likely also means that if you refactor and apply an improvement or approach, it will likely count, since it was “solved again, but this year”. Just a guess, but I would be disappointed if this was not the case.

That’s not the case.

That is kind of sad, then. For folks that have been here for a while and have that already solved.

Can they do so if they “reset” the exercise?

What was stated was “solved in 2024” not “solved for the first time in 2024”, after all.

They can try the exercise in a different language. The point of the challenge is to try new things. Nothing is stopping them from iterating their existing solutions of course, but I don’t think it’s sad that they have to try a new language to earn a made-up badge - it’s just the rules of the game they’re playing :slight_smile:

The problem is that you can’t earn the badge if you have solved the exercise before in one of the 3 focus languages of that week. Even if you solve it in other languages, you won’t get the weekly badge, right?

It would certainly be more motivating if you could still get the badge if you submit a new iteration. Currently that’s not the case.

These are the rules.

  • Bronze: Solve the exercise during 2024.
  • Silver: Solve the exercise in any three languages during 2024.
  • Gold: Qualify for silver status. Plus have solved the exercise in the three featured languages at some point (not necessarily in 2024).

Which part is making you think you won’t get the badge?

Okay, got it! So if you have solved one of the featured languages before, you need to solve an additional language in 2024 to get the gold status. RTFM of course :see_no_evil: Sorry for the noise!

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No problem. You’re not the first person to be confused. I just wish I could work out what’s confusing everyone! :grin:

I agree, but “new things” can also be in the language that they have already solved it in. Like using neither a class nor a module in Ruby. Or solving it with a new approach, and this encourages them to do so.

So not depressing, just a little “sad”. ;) And only “kind of”.

They still have the personal satisfaction of that push of “Oh, yeah, that reminds me, I can try to do this new thing in the exercise I already solved.”