Hey fellow coders,
I’m pretty sure y’all have super cool and intricate solutions to program on your local machine.
I switch computers, projects, and languages a lot and there might be others who face the same challenge or have even solved it.
So I would like to have my IDE/extensions running correctly and my keybindings the same every time I start. No matter if I work on a public computer, where I can’t install things, a Mac, some obscure Linux distro, or a windows machine. I also want the interface to be super reactive.
I came up different solutions:
- Use whatever IDE / Editor is available on the current machine
- x-forward my local IDE to another computer
- Visual studio code ssh tunnel
- VS code in the browser
- VS code web tunnel
- Github Codespaces
- Github.dev
The last options are pointing toward Microsoft as a savior, which many people would avoid. I am sure there are good alternatives out there. I grew up with Windows and have to work a lot with GitHub. I also use vs code for basically everything. Latex, C++, Python, Clojure, you name it. That is mostly fine, but especially linters and formatters can be a headache to get working. Or I might be an idiot. Especially Latex can be frustrating to set up on a new machine. The solutions above fulfill my requirements to some amount but aren’t always possible. x-forward might be blocked, the connection might be too slow, no rights to install things, etc.
5-7 seem interesting because everything can be set up in the browser, but I haven’t looked too deep into that. I will probably update this thread when I have a better understanding of it. Also, it is not a perfect solution for the masses, as some of these are not free or require an invitation.
Do you have similar problems? Do you have a nice solution? Any comment is appreciated.
- Gitpod