ZebraPuzzle has discrepancy between provided code snippet and description

In the ZebraPuzzle these are the provided enums, that are the categories and possible choices.

public enum Color { Red , Green , Ivory , Yellow , Blue }
public enum Nationality { Englishman , Spaniard , Ukrainian , Japanese , Norwegian }
public enum Pet { Dog , Snails , Fox , Horse , Zebra }
public enum Drink { Coffee , Tea , Milk , OrangeJuice , Water }
public enum Smoke { OldGold , Kools , Chesterfields , LuckyStrike , Parliaments }

The puzzle text however, asks for occupations and hobbies, neither of which are provided in the data set. Is this intentional, or is it an oversight?

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The text was changed in the central problem-specifications repo. Apparently someone merged that into the csharp repo without updating the exercise code. So, oversight.

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