12in23 badges not considering year?

When I completed my first eligible Mindshifting May exercise it seems like I immediately got awarded the badge.

Looking at the code for the badge awarder it seems only the month is checked:

    def award_to?(user)
      user.solutions.published.joins(exercise: :track).
        where('tracks.slug': TRACK_SLUGS).
                (MONTH(published_at) = 4 AND DAY(published_at) = 30) OR
                (MONTH(published_at) = 5) OR
                (MONTH(published_at) = 6 AND DAY(published_at) = 1)
        where.not('exercises.slug': 'hello-world').
        count >= 5

AFAIR I did a good chunk of the Pharo track a year (or two?) ago, so it would appear that these exercises actually were counted for the badge.

This is by design.

Oh, so these aren’t really #12in23 specific?

That makes sense, because the badge title and description doesn’t even mention the year.

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That does actually make sense, I guess I got confused by the badges being introduced during #12in23 and also being used for promoting it. Thanks @glennj and @Steffan153!