About the Lua category

Welcome to the Lua category. This is a space to ask any Lua questions, discuss exercises from the Exercism Lua track, or explore any other Lua-related conversations!

How do you do the hello world program? Iā€™m new to Lua & Iā€™m only 9 so can you help me?

You most likely already know, because this is a base and something like a month has passed, but
Itā€™s like:
print(ā€œHello Worldā€) or print(ā€˜Hello Worldā€™)
What is the difference? Actually there is no difference between ā€œsmthā€ and ā€˜smthā€™

Also, Itā€™s really impressive that you are only 9yo and already learning all this staff. Keep going and if you want, you can ask me questions. I know Lua a bit.

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Is LuaJIT really necessary on a daily basis? I know itā€™s more performant, but Lua has better maintenance support since it has a larger community, right?