Address in email footer incomplete

(Moved from Address in email footer incomplete · Issue #6690 · exercism/exercism · GitHub)

Emails I receive from Exercism have the following at the bottom:

You received this email because you’ve signed up to Exercism.
You can change your notification settings
Sent by Exercism: Unit G3; 81 Bournville Lane, United Kingdom

That postal address is not complete - what town? What postcode?

I’m not particularly wishing to write to you, but it seems to me that you should either have a complete address or none at all!

It’s my home address. I don’t hugely want it going out 1M times/month to people and being in a million log files everywhere for data scraping. If you really do want to write then pasting that into google comes up with the postcode etc.

Haha, OK. Well why not just put “Exercism, UK” or something?

Because it legally needs to be an address that people can send post to. If you send post to Unit G3; 81 Bournville Lane, United Kingdom it’ll get to me. There’s only one Bournville Lane in the UK :slight_smile: