"An error occurred" when testing Bob in lua

Hey! We’ve solved Bob in Lua. The tests pass locally, but “an error occurred” when trying to test the same code online. We’ve reduced the program to bare skeleton, and the error changes when there’s no function hey at all. At that point, the tests report an attempt to call a nil value.
How to have this issue fixed for us to proceed?

If you share your exact code and the exact test output, we may be able to spot and bugs in your code and/or reproduce and issues with the website. Please use codeblocks. Please do not use screenshots/images.

Thanks for looking into the issue! We’ve tried to submit the following code a couple of times:

local bob = {}

---Get Bob's answer
---@param say string
---@return string
function bob.hey(say)
  say = say:gsub(' ', '')
  local is_question = say:sub(#say) == "?"
  local is_yell = not say:find('[a-z]')
  if say == "" then
    return "Fine, be that way."
  elseif is_yell then
    return is_question and "Calm down, I know what I'm doing!" or "Whoa, chill out!"
  elseif is_question then
    return "Sure"
    return "Whatever"

return bob

But it turns out that anything fails with bob.hey in it. Even this one:

local bob = {}

function bob.hey(say)
    return "Whatever"

return bob

The error message is:

An error occurred while running your tests. This might mean that there was an issue in our infrastructure, or it might mean that you have something in your code that's causing our systems to break.

Please check your code, and if nothing seems to be wrong, try running the tests again.

+cc @ryanplusplus

Thanks for the heads up. The test runner was recently modified to fix an issue and it probably caused this one. I’ll investigate today.

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@zoloto112233 this should be fixed now

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Thanks, much appreciated!