Auxiliaire: an Exercism assistant tool that can backup your solutions (and their iterations)

I’ve built an Exercism assistant tool called auxiliaire. It’s available on GitHub:

clechasseur/auxiliaire: Your friendly Exercism assistant (

Please refer to the README file for installation instructions and some basic info.

Currently, it supports only one command (which was the main reason I built the tool in the first place): backup. This allows you to back up the solutions you’ve submitted to the Exercism platform.

By default, this command will download all your solutions (to all exercises, in all language tracks):

auxiliaire backup <destination_directory>

It supports filtering by track (--track rust), exercise (--exercise bob) and even status (--status published).

In particular, --iterations can be used to back up iterations as well!

auxiliaire backup --iterations full-sync <destination_directory>

Running auxiliaire backup --help will provide more information.

I still consider the tool to be pre-release because I haven’t really written proper tests for all cases, but it’s been tested by its original intended audience (e.g. me) successfully so far. Feel free to leave feedback via the GitHub project.

The tool is written in Rust; contributions are welcome! See for details.

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I forgot to mention that in order to work, the tool needs an API token. However, by default, if you have the Exercism CLI installed locally, it will reuse the API token specified for that tool. If you don’t have the Exercism CLI, you’ll have to pass the API token via --token.

Your API token can be fetched from the Exercism Settings page.

Nice. This is very cool. Thanks! :slight_smile: