As I’ve been building the exercises for Euphoria, I’ve notice a few places where there appear to be duplications in the “cases” of a given task’s problem-specifications. For example collatz-conjecture contains
"uuid": "7d4750e6-def9-4b86-aec7-9f7eb44f95a3",
"description": "zero is an error",
"property": "steps",
"input": {
"number": 0
"expected": {
"error": "Only positive numbers are allowed"
"uuid": "2187673d-77d6-4543-975e-66df6c50e2da",
"reimplements": "7d4750e6-def9-4b86-aec7-9f7eb44f95a3",
"description": "zero is an error",
"comments": ["Collatz Conjecture holds only for positive integers"],
"property": "steps",
"input": {
"number": 0
"expected": {
"error": "Only positive integers are allowed"
"uuid": "c6c795bf-a288-45e9-86a1-841359ad426d",
"description": "negative value is an error",
"property": "steps",
"input": {
"number": -15
"expected": {
"error": "Only positive numbers are allowed"
"uuid": "ec11f479-56bc-47fd-a434-bcd7a31a7a2e",
"reimplements": "c6c795bf-a288-45e9-86a1-841359ad426d",
"description": "negative value is an error",
"comments": ["Collatz Conjecture holds only for positive integers"],
"property": "steps",
"input": {
"number": -15
"expected": {
"error": "Only positive integers are allowed"
The tests are slightly different in the text of the error message (one says “numbers” and the other “integers”), however the name of the test is exactly the same. I have code that renders the JSON into unit test specifications and I end up with essentially duplicated tests, viz
test_equal("zero is an error",steps(0),"Only positive numbers are allowed")
test_equal("zero is an error",steps(0),"Only positive integers are allowed")
test_equal("negative value is an error",steps(-15),"Only positive numbers are allowed")
test_equal("negative value is an error",steps(-15),"Only positive integers are allowed")
Is this a bug or a feature?