Exercises/concept/card-games/lists_test.py unit tests update

I would recommend adding one unit test for

    def test_maybe_double_last(self):

        input_vars = [[1, 2, 11], [5, 9, 11], [5, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3], **[1, 11, 8]**]

        results = [[1, 2, 22], [5, 9, 22], [5, 9, 10], [1, 2, 3], **[1, 11, 8]**]

There is a possibility to write bad code that will double 11 even it is not in the last position.
Example of such a wrong code:

def maybe_double_last(hand):
    """Multiply a Jack card value in the last index position by 2.

    :param hand: list - cards in hand.
    :return: list - hand with Jacks (if present) value doubled.

    return [c if c != 11 else c * 2 for c in hand]