Exercises that use bitwise operations

jq lacks any bitwise operators/functions. This is why secret-handshake and allergies are foregone

They are possible to implement.

However, these exercises really only need “shift-right” and “and 1” operations to test if a bit is set in the number. These are easily implementable with division/modulo by a power of 2.

I’m wondering, though, if a “bitwise operations” concept is worth writing – it would basically expand upon what I just said. The exercise would have the students write, perhaps, shift_left, shift_right, bit_at functions. At the end of it, the students will have a little library of bitwise functions they can go back to.

Full and and or functions can be left as extra homework.


I’m hesitating about it because the topic is not a concept of the language, it’s about something missing from the language.

I don’t think it’s worth adding. It’s not part of jq. Just because it can be done doesn’t mean it should be :wink: It’s not a jq concept.

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I’ve ported secret-handshake, just cuz 48in24.

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