Fix testing instruction "hello world" on Windows

need add instruction for update Pester version (and, maybe, for update Pshell on 7ver)

If testing ‘Hello world’ on Windows 10 default config (22H2 with installed all updates), I have this error:

RuntimeException: The BeforeAll command may only be used inside a Describe block
/ blah-blah
RuntimeException: '-Be' is not a valid Should operator

P.S. (autoclose any issues - IMHO, the best solution to sleep peacefully)

There is docs saying this exact thing already if you just read the setup docs for powershell: Exercism’s Track Docs

Installing and updating the Pester framework

Pester is the PowerShell testing framework. Since version 4.0.9 it is compatible with PowerShell Core on Windows, Linux and MacOS (with some limitations)

It is preinstalled on Windows 10, however, it is recommended you update by running the following PowerShell command:

Install-Module -Name Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck

P.S. (autoclose any issues - IMHO, the best solution to sleep peacefully)


Thanks a lot for fast answer. I’m apologize, this platform is new for me. So, this link - Exercism’s Track Docs is not intuitive or maybe I got used by…