Next month will feature VB.NET, so I thought: as C# and VB.NET are parsed by the same tool (Roslyn), maybe I can do something clever to quickly convert from C# to VB.NET and then create PRs to add the exercises? This has been quite successful, in that I managed to get 57 exercises added with relatively little effort.
There are still 46 open PRs that fail for various reasons. In most cases, there will be some automatic translation error that is often not that hard to fix. Maybe if we as a community would join forces we can get many of these PRs merged?
Here are some helpful links/pointers:
- There is a branch in the exercism/csharp repo called
that contains both the original C# code and the converted VB code: csharp/exercises/practice at vbnet-conversion · exercism/csharp · GitHub - You can test an individual exercise’s example implementation against the tests using
pwsh ./test.ps1 <slug>
- ICSharpCode has a free online converter: Code Converter: VB <-> C#
- Telerik has a free online converter: