Help with Unit Testing in Exercises


I’ve made it through two of the exercises and am just starting the third. In each case, there’s been an issue with the Unit Testing that’s included as part of the exercise. For the first two, I just ripped out that code from the basic structure that was provided, but I hate to keep doing that. In this case, I’m looking at the “Twofer” exercise. When I open the project file I get the following errors: F2063 Could not compile used unit ‘utwofer.pas’ at line 15 (15:23) and E2212 Package unit ‘utwofer’ cannot appear in contains or uses clasues at line 15. Line 15 reads: utwofer in ‘utwofer.pas’;

When I last left off doing major programming projects (now about 15-20 years ago) unit testing didn’t even exist, or at least I’d never heard of it. I know now it’s important so I hate to keep ripping it out, but I’m also just trying to get the basics going.


Hey, Doc!

Are you following the instructions that were delivered in the file?

Show your code, complete with file names, so that we know we are looking at the same thing.

However, if you are working locally, you can submit a failing exercise and request mentoring, and one of the mentors will likely pick it up and will be able to help you in context of the exercise.

This will also allow us to see exactly what you have, as we will download what you have submitted.