so I do alot of leetcode and wanted to try this platform as well. I use C++ mainly but the experience has been horrible. Its horrible I have to swift through the tests and figure out which functions it will call, its horrible to debug because of the types expected in your questions.
It would be great if the functions that will be called and what data it expects as return would be alot clearer. C++ is horrible to read on its own but coupled with this unit testing thing, its very hard to read. Please cut away all the knick knack and just show us useful info. I am not here to debug code I am here to simply solve problems. Leetcode is much cleaner in that regard.
Exercism uses a Test Driven Development (TDD) approach to solving things. Getting comfortable with tests is, in our opinion, part of getting comfortable with a language. Learning to read code in that language quickly/easily is also, in our opinion, part of learning a language well.
Exercism’s not really here to give you programming problems to solve, it’s here to help you practice a language until you’re really comfortable with it.
It sounds like Leetcode is a better fit for what you’re after, so I recommend sticking with that. Good luck!
sounds good to me, I am new to this form of unit testing and may just need to get into it. Didnt mean to sound like a dick, just new to the unit testing window and took me a while to figure it out.
if you already know C++, you might think that the “learning mode” aka “the syllabus” is not necessary for you, but it might teach you some insight you have brushed over in your previous C++ studies.
There is also a concept about header files, which covers the topic of TDD. If you look at that, it might be clearer, why we chose tests as a form of requirements instead of spelling everything out in a text.
As a sidenote: exercism covers more than 60 languages and all those languages are fed by a common pool of exercises. Maintainers will adopt the tests for each language, but for easier handling, the exercise texts are the same over all tracks and thus do not contain any implementation details. A solution in Prolog would not fit on a web assembly implementation guide.