If you can't access the #bootcamp for section, and you are on the bootcamp, post here

I can’t access.

Can’t access

It looks like everyone got sorted once the Rate Limits started behaving! Please let me know if you still have issues :slight_smile:

Hey there! Can’t access the bootcamp forum c:

Has it worked now? :slight_smile:

No, still can’t see it

Now I see it. I had to checkmark the BootCamp section on my end. Sorry for that

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Hi I can’t see the bootcamp category on my Categories. On Discord, I’ve added Exercism, but the only # I can see is the #bootcamp-signup-questions

Edit: I’ve managed to sort the forum. The visibility checkbox on categories wasn’t ticked. It’s just the discord issue now. Have tried the link to connect Exercism to my Discord. Still only see the #bootcamp-signup-questions section. Have tried quitting and restarting Discord as well

same I still cant see Bootcamp on my exercism server in my discord app

Have you both connected here? Exercism

If so, it might be that you have a different Discord user connected (this is quite common). If you post your Exercism username in the #bootcamp-signup-questions channel, I’ll be able to see your Discord id and manually connect you. Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi, I also can’t access the bootcamp section of the forum.

Did you connect on the integration page? If yes, you may want to try disconnecting and reconnecting to double check you used the correct Discord account, if you have more than one.

Hey there! I can’t access the bootcamp forum.

Looks like you’re both sorted now. It just takes some time to set the roles because of Discourse’s limitations.

No access to Bootcamp

yeah, i’m good

Hello, I just signed up for bootcamp, but can’t see it in discord.

@blairski44 Have you both connected here? Exercism

If so, it might be that you have a different Discord user connected (this is quite common). If you post your Exercism username in the #bootcamp-signup-questions channel, I’ll be able to see your Discord id and manually connect you. Thanks :slight_smile:

Can i get access to?

I can’t access because the email in my exercism account is different to the one I’ve used to sign up.