If you can't access the #bootcamp for section, and you are on the bootcamp, post here

Do you have multiple Discord accounts? Multiple Exercism accounts? You should be able to unsync and re-sync either Discord account here: Exercism

No, I only have one account but I used another email adress while paying the bootcamp.

I’ve sorted it.

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Thank you!

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I cant access

Hi. You should have access now! :slight_smile:

Hi! I can’t access

Did you try disconnecting and reconnecting here?

Hi IsaacG, now I can. Thanks!


I can’t access the Bootcamp section. I have tried connecting and disconnecting several times. Still hasn’t worked.

It’s likely you have two Discord accounts.

Please could you post in #bootcamp-signup-questions and I’ll be able to see your user id and connect you manually.

Hi, i had connected to bootcamp and posted a question about the sprouting flower exercise.
But i cannot find it or see any bootcamp thread. Also says contact your administrator

@m11ni You don’t seem to have posted on here before. Could you have two different users maybe? Or did you maybe post on Discord?

This is what im seeing in discord.

Im away from home travelling and was hoping to spend my evenings doing the exercises and catchup with the labs.

These are screenshots of what im seeing

What is the Exercism username you’re connected to with the Bootcamp? The one that shows you inside the bootcamp if you go to Bootcamp ?

My username is m11ni
My email is meena_modhvadia@hotmail.com

The above is my personal details

I have a username m1n1
My email is meena.modhvadia@digital.justice.gov.uk
This is an account i set up for work to pay for my bootcamp but there was too much red tape

Hi again. I can’t see any reason your account cannot access this form from your laptop. I’ve checked and you have access to the Bootcamp on the website fine.

You seem to be on discord fine. Can you access the #bootcamp channel there?

All I can suggest for the forum is maybe trying a different browser and seeing if that works?