Is anyone else having issues with the online exercise editor/tester?

I’m trying to do C++ exercises (specifically the Clock exercise on the main track), and every time I run it, it says it times out. My code doesn’t have any loops in it so I thought that was weird, so I tried testing the next exercise without any code added (just the empty namespaces), and it timed out again. It should have given me a fail state instead of timing out, right? Is this a site-wide issue, or is there something I can do to fix it?

Here’s my clock code if you want to make sure I’m not being stupid:

#if !defined(CLOCK_H)
#define CLOCK_H
#include <string>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdexcept>

namespace date_independent {
    typedef uint8_t CLK_U;
    class clock {
            const static int CLK_MAX_HRS, CLK_MAX_MIN;
            struct h_and_m {
                CLK_U hour;
                CLK_U minute;
                h_and_m(void) : h_and_m(0, 0) {};
                h_and_m( CLK_U init_hour, CLK_U init_minute ) : hour(init_hour), minute(init_minute) {};
            } _time;
            static h_and_m loop( int new_hour, int new_minute );
            clock( int init_hour, int init_minute );
            static clock at( int init_hour, int init_minute );
            clock& plus( int addend_minutes );
            operator std::string(void);
            bool operator==(const clock& comparator);     
}  // namespace date_independent

#endif // CLOCK_H

#include "clock.h"

namespace date_independent {

    const int clock::CLK_MAX_HRS = 24;
    const int clock::CLK_MAX_MIN = 60;

    clock::h_and_m clock::loop( int new_hour, int new_minute ) {

        //loops the minutes from 0 to 60, borrowing or adding from the hours as needed
        while (new_minute >= CLK_MAX_MIN || new_minute < 0) {
            if (new_minute >= CLK_MAX_MIN) {
                new_minute -= CLK_MAX_MIN;
            } else if (new_minute <= 0) {
                new_minute += CLK_MAX_MIN;
            } else {
                throw std::logic_error("Something's wrong with the looper - minutes");

        //loops the hours from 0 to 24
        while (new_hour >= CLK_MAX_HRS || new_hour < 0) {
            if (new_hour >= CLK_MAX_HRS)
                new_hour -= CLK_MAX_HRS;
            else if (new_hour < 0)
                new_hour += CLK_MAX_HRS;
                throw std::logic_error("Something's wrong with the looper - hours");

        return clock::h_and_m( CLK_U(new_hour), CLK_U(new_minute) );

    clock::clock( int init_hour, int init_minute ) {
        _time = loop( init_hour, init_minute );

    clock clock::at( int init_hour, int init_minute ) {
        return clock( init_hour, init_minute );

    clock& clock::plus( int a_minutes ) {
        int sum( int(_time.minute) + a_minutes );
        _time = loop( int(_time.hour), sum );
        return *this;

    clock::operator std::string(void) {
        std::string output("");
        if (_time.hour < 10) output += "0";
        output += std::to_string( _time.hour );

        output += ":";

        if ( _time.minute < 10 ) output += "0";
        output += std::to_string( _time.minute );

        return output;

    bool clock::operator==(const clock& comparator) {
        return ( (_time.hour == comparator._time.hour) && (_time.minute == comparator._time.minute) );
}  // namespace date_independent

My personal test code is below.

#include <iostream>
int main()
    date_independent::clock test(23, 59);;
    std::cout << std::string(test) << "\n";
    if ( test == date_independent::clock::at(33, 99) ) std::cout << "Equal\n";
    else std::cout << "Unequal\n";

    return 0;

The output is


I haven’t looked at your code but I just solved Clock in C++ and had no problems with the online editor.

If I have time I’ll look at your code and get back to you. I suspect some kind of endless loop, but I could be wrong.

there aren’t any loops in the code. I’ve been able to do other exercises no problem but this one keeps not working.

I found a couple issues and fixed them but it still isn’t running. I updated my code in the OP, and also added some test code I used to test it myself, which worked.