Java - Cars, Assemble - provided tests improvement suggestion

I just worked through the Cars, Assemble exercise and encountered something that I think of as a unit test anti-pattern.

In the current implementation the assertions that compare doubles are in the form:
assertThat(Math.abs(carsAssemble.productionRatePerHour(9) - 1591.2) < epsilon).isTrue();
which means when the test fails the student gets an unhelpful message:
"Expecting: <false> to be equal to <true> but was not."

I thought it was standard to use the AreEquals double-with-delta form:
Assertions.assertEquals(1591.2, carsAssemble.productionRatePerHour(9), epsilon);
which reports the same failure in a more informative way:
Expected: 1591.2
Actual: 1989.0

The C# track does seem to have the more informative test pattern:
Assert.Equal(1591.2, AssemblyLine.ProductionRatePerHour(9), precision: 1);

Iā€™ll make the changes if itā€™s worth updating - I did convert the tests locally when solving to get the added information anyways :wink:

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Yes please! That would definitely be very helpful.

Apologies for the delay, life & stuffā€¦

Hereā€™s the proposed change:

Note the difference in the epsilon boundary between current implementation and using assertEquals(double, double, epsilon). I donā€™t think it will cause any existing solutions to fail but honestly donā€™t remember the depths of double comparisons and if the existing epsilon is the right precision.
My gut is that the epsilon value doesnā€™t need to be 7 digits and for the values being calulcated in this exercise an epsilon of 3 or 4 digits would be precise enough.