I normally do leap first when starting with a language. Since D is part of 48 in 24. I went to do leap. The leap.d in source is actually the leap tests. and there is no test file outside of source. I am going by the layout of the Hello world. If this is the way it should be Hello world should be changed. I think though this is just a mistake.
Never mind I really have been doing to many languages this week. I forgot that when I did the hello world Ijust put it at the top of the tests. This is a wierdism about this language never mind. I would have removed my post if I knew how. Let this be a lesson to check before you post.
Hi! I’m the D track maintainer, and yeah this track is a little different in that the starting file also contains the test suite. Historically, stub implementations weren’t provided so all the student sees would be the module name and the test suite. That’s not very helpful to students so I’ve been working on adding more starter code to exercises as I update the test suites.
That ends up looking something like
module anagram;
pure string[] findAnagrams(immutable string subject, immutable string[] candidates)
// implement this function
... tests to follow
It totally makes since after I went back and looked at Hello world and read the starting docs on D again. I like the idea of adding comments. D is kind of fun since I started with C back in the early 90’s it is comfortable like a new pair of old boxer shorts.
@keiraville helped update several stubs in the last two days so it’s clearer what needs to be implemented in each file.