Hi. I came across this while mentoring someone with Little Sister’s Vocabulary. The instructions give two examples sentences, both ending with “.”, but the example given within the body of strings.py, does not end in “.”. The Guidance code handles both cases, but all the test cases end in “.”.
If the intention is for every string to end in a “.”, then I think the example in strings.py should be updated to include a “.”. It might be nice to state this intention explicitly within the instructions as well.
If the intention is for some of the sentences to not end in “.” (or any punctuation), perhaps some additional test cases should be added, and this should be explicitly stated in the Instructions.
In that case, should a “.” be added to the end of the example?
For example, ("It got dark as the sun set", 2) becomes "darken".
is changed to
For example, ("It got dark as the sun set.", 2) becomes "darken".
I really can see it both ways, since on the one hand, the comments aren’t the requirements, and on the other I can be pedantic at times! I just wonder if it’s confusing or could detract from what’s being taught . Thoughts?
While correct for Practice Exercises, this isn’t actually true for Learning Exercises. Student’s can’t see the tests in the editor for these - we want people to use instructions instead.