Local development - Running tests

Hi everyone!

How can I run tests for all exercises in the exercism/purescript repo? When I ran bin/test.sh I got this:

rm: cannot remove '/home/simadovakin/my_code/purescript/exercism/purescript/.work/bower.json': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'etc/bower.json': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'exercises/*/examples/src/*.purs': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'exercises/concept/test/Main.purs': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'exercises/practice/test/Main.purs': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'exercises/shared/test/Main.purs': No such file or directory

--- [ bower.json ]

ls: cannot access 'bower.json': No such file or directory

--- [ src ]

total 0

--- [ test ]

total 0
bower                         EINVALID Name must be lowercase, can contain digits, dots, dashes, "@" or spaces

real    0m0,876s
user    0m0,881s
sys     0m0,084s
* ERROR: No bower.json or psc-package.json found in current or parent directories. Are you in a PureScript project?

real    0m0,249s
user    0m0,225s
sys     0m0,043s

[ Some tests have failed ]

There is no etc/bower.json and some globs don’t work.

Here’s the docs on running tests locally: Testing on the PureScript track | Exercism's Docs

@IsaacG Thanks! Can I use this to run tests when I want to implement some exercise in PureScript?

Yes, I assume you can use spago to run tests you wrote for your code, too. If you Google for “PureScript unit test spago tutorial” I expect you’ll find plenty of info.

Thank you!