Hey just want to provide feedback about locked problems. I am learning Elixir and I want to do the problems listed in the link: The #12in23 Challenge
Example: Hamming
So the problem is that I need to follow the path until I can unlock it, but I don’t know exactly what I need to learn to unlock it
You can “Disable learning mode” in the “…” options (top right of this page.
Disabling Learning Mode will unlock all the Practice Exercises on this track, but will disable Concepts and Learning Exercises.
Or you can work your way through the track syllabus. Hamming lists a handful of prereqs: "atoms", "tuples", "charlists", "multiple-clause-functions", "guards", "enum", "recursion"
Good to know that, thank you.
If an exercise is locked, its page will tell you exactly which other exercises you need to do to unlock it. There’s a list in the right-side column. Unfortunately finding the link to a locked exercise is difficult (maybe impossible?). But you can always write the link yourself. Go to https://exercism.org/tracks/elixir/exercises/exercise-name-with-dashes
to find the exercise.
Hello, I hope this is not hijacking this post.
I want to do exercises which are locked, but I can’t.
When I disable learning mode, nothing really happens.
I see it is disabled (the button changes = I can re-enable it), but exercises are still locked.
Am I missing something? I tried to logout and login, in case it’s somehow session related, but didn’t help either.
The problematic track is Clojure. I haven’t tried any other yet.
Update: Clojure started working correctly yesterday after a few minutes. But Python, which I also disabled yesterday, is still not working. Exercises are blocked.
I’m having a similar issue in Elixir. Learning mode is disabled, but nearly every exercise is locked:
What helped for me was - I had to finish 1 or 2 exercises which unblocked it. I am not sure it was the syllabus or just some introductory exercise.
Worked with 2 languages, so I think that’s the way.
This actually ended up being a bug in Exercism which has since been fixed (as of last week): exercism/website#5884
So tracks should unlock correctly on switch now.